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4893 items matching your search terms.

Safety and efficacy of sildenafil citrate to reduce operative birth for intrapartum fetal compromise at term: A Phase 2 randomized controlled trial

Turner, J. Dunn, L. Tarnow-Mordi, W. Flatley, C. Flenady, V. Kumar, S.
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY, 2020     DOI:10.1016/j.ajog.2020.01.025

Rapid adaptation of cancer education in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: Evaluation of a live virtual statistics and research skills workshop for oncology trainees

Turner, S. Pham, T. Robledo, K. Turner, S. Brown, C. Sundaresan, P.
JOURNAL OF CANCER EDUCATION, 2020     DOI:10.1007/s13187-020-01898-9

Considerations on equity in management of end-stage kidney disease in low- and middle-income countries

Van Biesen, W. Jha, V. Abu-Alfa, A. K. Andreoli, S. P. Ashuntantang, G. Bernieh, B. Brown, E. Chen, Y. Coppo, R. Couchoud, C. Cullis, B. Douthat, W. Eke, F. U. Hemmelgarn, B. Hou, F. F. Levin, N. W. Luyckx, V. A. Morton, R. L. Moosa, M. R. Murtagh, F. E. M. Richards, M. Rondeau, E. Schneditz, D. Shah, K. D. Tesar, V. Yeates, K. Garcia Garcia, G.
KIDNEY INT SUPPL (2011), 2020     DOI:10.1016/j.kisu.2019.11.004

A call for harmonization of European kidney care: dialysis reimbursement and distribution of kidney replacement therapies

van der Tol, A. Stel, V. S. Jager, K. J. Lameire, N. Morton, R. L. Van Biesen, W. Vanholder, R. European Kidney Health, Alliance

Survival and cardiac toxicity in patients with HER2-positive, metastatic breast cancer treated with trastuzumab in routine clinical practice

Vasista, A. Ryan, L. Naher, S. Moylan, E. Stockler, M. R. Wilcken, N. Kiely, B. E.

Communicating prognostic information: what do oncologists think patients with incurable cancer should be told?

Vasista, A. Stockler, M. R. Martin, A. Lawrence, N. J. Kiely, B. E.
INTERNAL MEDICINE JOURNAL, 2020     DOI:10.1111/imj.14739

Extended zone retinal vascular caliber and risk of diabetic retinopathy in adolescents with type 1 diabetes

Velayutham, V. Craig, M. E. Liew, G. Wong, T. Y. Jenkins, A. J. Benitez-Aguirre, P. Z. Donaghue, K. C.
OPHTHALMOL RETINA, 2020     DOI:10.1016/j.oret.2020.05.009

COVID-19, type 1 diabetes clinical practice, research, and remote medical care: a view from the land down-under

Venkatesh, N. Paldus, B. Lee, M. H. MacIsaac, R. J. Jenkins, A. J. O'Neal, D. N.
J DIABETES SCI TECHNOL, 2020     DOI:10.1177/1932296820929708

Risk of preterm birth in the subsequent pregnancy following caesarean section at full cervical dilatation compared with mid-cavity instrumental delivery

Wang, M. Kirby, A. Gibbs, E. Gidaszewski, B. Khajehei, M. Chua, S. C.

Intensive LDL cholesterol-lowering treatment beyond current recommendations for the prevention of major vascular events: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials including 327 037 participants

Wang, N. Fulcher, J. Abeysuriya, N. Park, L. Kumar, S. Di Tanna, G. L. Wilcox, I. Keech, A. Rodgers, A. Lal, S.
LANCET DIABETES ENDOCRINOL, 2020     DOI:10.1016/S2213-8587(19)30388-2

Network meta-analyses in reproductive medicine: challenges and opportunities

Wang, R. Seidler, A. L. Askie, L. Norman, R. J. Bhattacharya, S. van Wely, M. Mol, B. W.
HUMAN REPRODUCTION, 2020     DOI:10.1093/humrep/deaa126

The synergistic inhibitory effect of combining therapies targeting EGFR and mitochondria in sarcomas

Wang, X. Yeo, R. X. Hogg, P. J. Goldstein, D. Crowe, P. Dilda, P. J. Yang, J. L.
ONCOTARGET, 2020     DOI:10.18632/oncotarget.27416

Patient-specific heart constraint: A tool for optimisation and evaluation of mean heart dose in breast cancer patients

Ward, R. West, K. Latty, D. Beldham-Collins, R. Jia, D. Wang, W. Cross, S. Gebski, V. Ahern, V. Stuart, K.
PRACT RADIAT ONCOL, 2020     DOI:10.1016/j.prro.2020.10.005

Australian general practitioners' attitudes and knowledge of sentinel lymph node biopsy in melanoma management

Watts, C. G. Smith, A. L. Robinson, S. Chang, C. S. Goumas, C. Schmid, H. Kelly, J. W. Hong, A. M. Scolyer, R. A. Long, G. V. Spillane, A. J. Henderson, M. Gyorki, D. E. Mar, V. J. Morton, R. L. Saw, R. P. Varey, A. H. Mann, G. J. Thompson, J. F. Cust, A. E.
AUST J GEN PRACT, 2020     DOI:10.31128/AJGP-10-19-5138

Radiation-induced oesophagitis in breast cancer: Factors influencing onset and severity for patients receiving supraclavicular nodal irradiation

West, K. Schneider, M. Wright, C. Beldham-Collins, R. Coburn, N. Tiver, K. Gebski, V. Stuart, K. E.