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4893 items matching your search terms.

White blood cell count predicts reduction in coronary heart disease mortality with pravastatin

Stewart, RAH; White, HD; Kirby, AC; Heritier, SR; Simes, RJ; Nestel, PJ; West, MJ; Colquhoun, DM; Tonkin, AM; for the Long-Term Intervention With Pravastatin in Ischemic Disease Study Investigators,
CIRCULATION, 2005     DOI:10.1161/01.cir.0000160924.73417.26

Health-related quality of life during and after post-operative therapy for T1N0 breast cancer. How does it really feel?

Sullivan, L Pendlebury, S Kirby, A Rodger, A Joseph, D Campbell, I Stockler, MR

Neurodevelopmental impairment and neonatal infections [letter]

Tarnow-Mordi, W Isaacs, D Smart, DH Stenson, B Haque, K

What survival benefits do premenopausal patients with early breast cancer need to make endocrine therapy worthwhile?

Thewes, B Meiser, B Duric, VM Stockler, MR Taylor, A Stuart-Harris, R Links, M Wilcken, N McLachlan, SA Phillips, KA Beith, J Boyle, F Friedlander, ML

Effect of pravastatin in people with diabetes and chronic kidney disease

Tonelli, M. Keech, A. Shepherd, J. Sacks, F. Tonkin, A. Packard, C. Pfeffer, M. Simes, J. Isles, C. Furberg, C. West, M. Craven, T. Curhan, G.

Effect of pravastatin on rate of kidney function loss in people with or at risk for coronary disease.

Tonelli, M; Isles, C; Craven, T; Tonkin, A; Pfeffer, MA; Shepherd, J; Sacks, FM; Furberg, C; Cobbe, SM; Simes, J; West, M; Packard, C; Curhan, GC

Effect of pravastatin in people with diabetes and chronic kidney disease

Tonelli, M; Keech, A; Shepherd, J; Sacks, F; Tonkin, A; Packard, C; Pfeffer, M; Simes, J; Isles, C; Furberg, C; West, M; Craven, T; Curhan, G

Reproductive factors and subtypes of breast cancer defined by hormone receptor and histology

Ursin, G Bernstein, L Lord, SJ Karim, R Deapen, D Press, MF Daling, JR Norman, SA Liff, JM Marchbanks, PA Folger, SG Simon, MS Strom, BL Burkman, RT Weiss, LK Spirtas, R

The Australian Clinical Trial Registry

Van Der Weyden, M.B Ghersi, D

Initial and late resistance to imatinib in advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumors are predicted by different prognostic factors: a European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer-Italian Sarcoma Group—Australasian Gastro-Intestinal Trials Group Study

Van Glabbeke, M Verweij, J Casali, PG Le Cesne, A Hohenberger, P Ray-Coquard, I Schlemmer, M van Oosterom, AT Goldstein, D Sciot, R Hogendoorn, PCW Brown, M Bertulli, R Judson, IR
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 2005     DOI:10.1200/jco.2005.11.601