Burmeister, B.H. Smithers, B.M. Gebski, V. Fitzgerald, L. Simes, R.J. Devitt, P. Ackland, S.
Gotley, D.C. Joseph, D. Millar, J. North, J. Walpole, E.T. Denham, J.W. for the Trans-Tasman Radiation Oncology Group (TROG) and the Australasian Gastro-Intestinal Trials Group (AGITG), LANCET ONCOLOGY, 2005 DOI:10.1016/s1470-2045(05)70288-6
Cholesterol Treatment Trialists Collaborators, Baigent, C Keech, A Kearney, PM Blackwell, L Buck, G Pollicino, C Kirby, A Sourjina, T Peto, R Collins, R Simes, R
FIELD Study Investigators, Keech, A Simes, RJ Barter, P Best, J Scott, R Taskinen, MR Forder, P Pillai, A Davis, T Glasziou, P Drury, P Kesaniemi, YA Sullivan, D Hunt, D Colman, P d'Emden, M Whiting, M Ehnholm, C Laakso, M
FIELD Study Investigators, Scott, R Best, J Forder, P Taskinen, M.R. Simes, J Barter, P Keech, A CARDIOVASCULAR DIABETOLOGY, 2005 DOI:doi:10.1186/1475-2840-4-13