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4893 items matching your search terms.

Survival after neoadjuvant chemotherapy or chemoradiotherapy for resectable oesophageal carcinoma: an updated meta-analysis

Sjoquist, K.M. Burmeister, B.H. Smithers, B.M. Zalcberg, J.R. Simes, R.J. Barbour, A. Gebski, V. and for the Australasian Gastro-Intestinal Trials Group,

Losing your marbles: understanding the psychosocial issues faced by testicular cancer survivors

Smith, A King, M Butow, P Olver, I Luckett, T Grimison, P Toner, G Stockler, M Hovey, E Stubbs, J

Losing your marbles: the psychosocial impact of surviving testicular cancer

Smith, A King, M Butow, P Olver, I Luckett, T Grimison, P Toner, G Stockler, M Hovey, E Stubbs, J

High risk of peripheral arterial disease in the United Kingdom: 2-year results of a prospective registry

Stansby, G Mister, R Fowkes, G Roughton, M Nugara, F Brittenden, J Bradbury, A Ashley, S Shearman, C Hannon, R Flather M PREPARED (Prospective Registry and Evaluation of Peripheral Arterial Risks, Events and Distribution) Investigators,
ANGIOLOGY, 2011     DOI:10.1177/0003319710387917

Clinical validation study to measure the performance of the nerve root sedimentation sign for the diagnosis of lumbar spinal stenosis

Staub, LP Barz, T Melloh, M Lord, SJ Chatfield, M Bossuyt, PM
CONTEMPORARY CLINICAL TRIALS, 2011     DOI:10.1016/j.cct.2011.01.015

Care coordination for older Australians

Steer, C Packer, C Myers, R Donnelly, J Nelson, L Fraser, P Dunin, C Brown, N Gould, T Schofield, D

Increased 36-week survival with high oxygen saturation target in extremely preterm infants [letter]

Stenson, B Brocklehurst, P Tarnow-Mordi, W for the UK and Australian and New Zealand BOOST II trials,

Personality disorder comorbidity and outcome: comparison of three age groups

Stevenson, J Brodaty, H Boyce, P Byth, K
AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY, 2011     DOI:10.3109/00048674.2011.595685

Does inverse-planned intensity-modulated radiation therapy have a role in the treatment of patients with left-sided breast cancer?

Stillie, A. L. Kron, T. Herschtal, A. Hornby, C. Cramb, J. Sullivan, K. Chua, B.
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL IMAGING AND RADIATION ONCOLOGY, 2011     DOI:10.1111/j.1754-9485.2011.02273.x

Designing targeted therapy trials in Australia—issues

Stockler, M
, 2011     DOI:10.1634/theoncologist.2011-0167

Quality of life and targeted treatment for metastatic renal cell carcinoma

Stockler, M.
ONCOLOGIST, 2011     DOI:10.1634/theoncologist.2011-0167

Capecitabine versus classical cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and fluorouracil as first-line chemotherapy for advanced breast cancer

Stockler, M.R Harvey, V.J. Francis, P.A. Byrne, M.J. Ackland, S.P. Fitzharris, B. Van Hazel, G. Wilcken, N.R. Grimison, P.S. Nowak, A.K. Gainford, M.C. Fong, A. Paksec, L. Sourjina, T. Zannino, D. Gebski, V. Simes, R.J. Forbes, J.F. Coates, A.S.
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 2011     DOI:10.1200/JCO.2010.33.9101