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4893 items matching your search terms.

Precision medicine for advanced pancreas cancer: early lessons learned from negotiating the pitfalls of a molecular therapeutics trial in a poor prognosis cancer

Chantrill, L. Johns, A. Watson, C. Mead, S. Gill, A. Pavlakis, N. Grimison, P. Asghari, R. Li, B. Chou, A. Simpson, S. Martyn-Smith, M. Nagrial, A. Chin, V. Sebastian, L. Yip, S. Sjoquist, K. Grimmond, S. Simes, R.J. Biankin, A.

Nicotinamide for skin cancer chemoprevention in renal transplant recipients

Chen, A.C. Martin, A.J. Lowe, P.M. Eris, J. Halliday, G.M. Damian, D.L.

Neuro-oncology practices in Australia: a Cooperative Group for Neuro-Oncology patterns of care study

Chen, J.Y. Hovey, E. Rosenthal, M. Livingstone, A. Simes, J.

Single nucleotide polymorphisms in vascular endothelial growth factor family genes as predictive or prognostic biomarkers in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: analysis of the phase III MAX study

Chionh, F.J.M. Gebski, V. Cheuh, A.C. Al-Obaidi, S.J. Weickhardt, A.J. Lee, C. Williams, D.S. Murone, C. Wilson, K. Scott, A.M. Simes, J. Price, T.J. Mariadason, J.M. Tebbutt, N.C.

Higher skin autofluorescence in youth with type 1 diabetic retinopathy

Cho, Y.H. Craig, M.E. Januszewski, A. Jenkins, A. Donaghue, K.C.

Human equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1 in gemcitabine and FOLFOX (oxaliplatin, 5-fluorouracil, and leucovorin)-treated patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer: the randomized phase II PAN1 study

Chua, Y.J. Karapetis, C.S. Gebski, V. O'Connell, R. Begbie, S. Nott, L.M. Cronk, M.F. Underhill, C. Abdi, E.A. Van Hagen, T. Wong, N. Hall, M. Ferraro, D.A. Sjoquist, K.M. Santos, C. Mackey, J.R. Goldstein, D.

Enhancing your consulting skills—supporting self-management and optimising mental health in people with type 1 diabetes

Conn, J.J. Silberberg, C.L. Hendriecks, C. Nankervis, A.J. Cheung, N.W. Jenkins, A.J.

Patterns of care in adult medulloblastoma: results of an international online survey

Cosman, R. Brown, C.S.B. DeBraganca, K.C. Khasraw, M.
JOURNAL OF NEURO-ONCOLOGY, 2014     DOI:10.1007/s11060-014-1525-z

Favourable effects of fenofibrate on lipids and cardiovascular disease in women with type 2 diabetes: results from the Fenofibrate Intervention and Event Lowering in Diabetes (FIELD) study

d’Emden, M. C. Jenkins, A. J. Li, L. Zannino, D. Mann, K. P. Best, J. D. Stuckey, B. G. A. Park, K. Saltevo, J. Keech, A. C.
DIABETOLOGIA, 2014     DOI:10.1007/s00125-014-3344-3

Randomized controlled trial of oxygen saturation targets in very preterm infants: two year outcomes

Darlow, B. A. Marschner, S. L. Donoghoe, M. Battin, M. R. Broadbent, R. S. Elder, M. J. Hewson, M. P. Meyer, M. P. Ghadge, A. Graham, P. McNeill, N. J. Kuschel, C. A. Tarnow-Mordi, W. O. Benefits Of Oxygen Saturation Targeting-New Zealand Collaborative, Group
JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS, 2014     DOI:10.1016/j.jpeds.2014.01.017

A phase 3 randomised controlled trial of adding nitroglycerin to first line chemotherapy for advanced NSCLC: ALTG NITRO trial

Davidson, A Veillard, AS Tognela, A Chan, MMK Briscoe, B Boyer, M Begbie, S Muljadi, N Coskinas, X Chinchen, S Millward, M Pavlakis, N Stockler, MR

A phase 3 randomised trial of adding nitroglycerin to 1st line chemotherapy for advanced non-small cell lung cancer: Australasian Lung cancer Trials Group (ALTG) NITRO study

Davidson, A Veillard, AS Tognela, A Chan, MMK Briscoe, K Hughes, B Boyer, M Begbie, S Muljadi, N Coskinas, X Chinchen, S Millward, M Pavlakis, N Stockler, MR
, 2014     DOI:10.1093/annonc/mdu349.24