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4893 items matching your search terms.

TOPGEAR: a randomised phase III trial of perioperative ECF chemotherapy versus preoperative chemoradiation plus perioperative ECF chemotherapy for resectable gastric cancer (an international, intergroup trial of the AGITG/TROG/EORTC/NCIC CTG)

Leong, T. Smithers, B. M. Michael, M. Gebski, V. Boussoutias, A. Miller, D. Simes, J. Zalcberg, J. Hausterman, K. Lordick, F. Schuhmacher, C. Swallow, C. Darling, G. Wong, R.
BMC CANCER, 2015     DOI:10.1186/s12885-015-1529-x

TOPGEAR: A randomized phase II/III trial of perioperative ECF chemotherapy versus preoperative chemoradiation plus perioperative ECF chemotherapy for resectable gastric cancer. Interim results from an international, intergroup trial of the AGITG/TROG/NCIC CTG/EORTC

Leong, T. Smithers, B.M. Michael, M. Gebski, V. Simes, J. Boussioutas, A. Miller, D. Zalcberg, J. O'Connell, R. Swallow, C. Darling, G. Wong, R. Schuhmacher, C. Lordick, F. Haustermans, K.

Computed tomography is more sensitive than CA 125 in detecting disease progression in patients with platinum-resistant ovarian cancer: analysis of the AURELIA trial

Lindemann, K. Kristensen, G Mirza, M.R. Davies, L. Hilpert, F. Romero, I. Ayhan, A. Burges, A. Rubio, M.J. Raspagliesi, F. Huizing, M. Creemers, G.J. Lykka, M. Lee, C. Gebski, V. Lauraine, E. P.

Three suturing techniques for closing fusiform excisions. A randomised controlled study

Ling, N. Martin, A.

Ki67 expression has prognostic significance in relation to human papillomavirus status in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma

Liu, J. Zhang, M. Rose, B. Veillard, A. S. Jones, D. Zhang, X. Soon Lee, C. Milross, C. Hong, A.
ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY, 2015     DOI:10.1245/s10434-014-4237-x

Cell cycle marker expression in benign and malignant intraductal papillary lesions of the breast

Loh, S. F. Cooper, C. Selinger, C. I. Barnes, E. H. Chan, C. Carmalt, H. West, R. Gluch, L. Beith, J. M. Caldon, C. E. O'Toole, S.
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY, 2015     DOI:10.1136/jclinpath-2014-202331

Nutritional predictors of successful chronic disease prevention for a community cohort in Central Australia

Luke, J. N. Ritte, R. O'Dea, K. Brown, A. Piers, L. S. Jenkins, A. J. Rowley, K. G.
PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION, 2015     DOI:10.1017/s1368980015003262

Nutritional predictors of chronic disease in a Central Australian Aboriginal cohort: a multi-mixture modelling analysis

Luke, J. N. Schmidt, D. F. Ritte, R. O'Dea, K. Brown, A. Piers, L. S. Jenkins, A. J. Rowley, K. G.

Regional variation in identified cancer care needs of early-career oncologists in China, India, and Pakistan

Lyerly, H. K. Fawzy, M. R. Aziz, Z. Nair, R. Pramesh, C. S. Parmar, V. Parikh, P. M. Jamal, R. Irumnaz, A. Ren, J. Stockler, M. R. Abernethy, A. P.
ONCOLOGIST, 2015     DOI:10.1634/theoncologist.2014-0213

Carboplatin and pegylated liposomal doxorubicin versus carboplatin and paclitaxel in very platinum-sensitive ovarian cancer patients: results from a subset analysis of the CALYPSO phase III trial

Mahner, S. Meier, W. Du Bois, A. Brown, C. Lorusso, D. Dell'Anna, T. Cretin, J. Havsteen, H. Bessette, P. Zeimet, A. G. Vergote, I. Vasey, P. Pujade-Lauraine, E. Gladieff, L. Ferrero, A.
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER, 2015     DOI:10.1016/j.ejca.2014.11.017

Questioning in conversations before and after communication partner training for individuals with traumatic brain injury

Mann, K. Power, E. Barnes, S. Togher, L.
APHASIOLOGY, 2015     DOI:10.1080/02687038.2015.1035226