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4893 items matching your search terms.

The epidemiology, radiology and biological characteristics of interval breast cancers in population mammography screening

Houssami, N. Hunter, K.
NPJ BREAST CANCER, 2017     DOI:10.1038/s41523-017-0014-x

Effectiveness of digital breast tomosynthesis (3D-mammography) in population breast cancer screening: a protocol for a collaborative individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis

Houssami, N. Lang, K. Hofvind, S. Zackrisson, S. Bernardi, D. Hunter, K. Askie, L. Skaane, P.
TRANSLATIONAL CANCER RESEARCH, 2017     DOI:10.21037/tcr.2017.06.39

Continuing or ceasing bevacizumab beyond progression in recurrent glioblastoma: an exploratory randomized phase II trial

Hovey, E. J. Field, K. M. Rosenthal, M. A. Barnes, E. H. Cher, L. Nowak, A. K. Wheeler, H. Sawkins, K. Livingstone, A. Phal, P. Goh, C. Simes, J. CABARET COGNO Investigators
NEURO-ONCOLOGY PRACTICE, 2017     DOI:10.1093/nop/npw025

Retrospective cohort analysis of neoadjuvant treatment and survival in resectable and borderline resectable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in a high volume referral centre

Itchins, M. Arena, J. Nahm, C. B. Rabindran, J. Kim, S. Gibbs, E. Bergamin, S. Chua, T. C. Gill, A. J. Maher, R. Diakos, C. Wong, M. Mittal, A. Hruby, G. Kneebone, A. Pavlakis, N. Samra, J. Clarke, S.
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY, 2017     DOI:10.1016/j.ejso.2017.06.012

Retrospective cohort analysis of neoadjuvant treatment and survival in resectable and borderline resectable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in a high-volume referral centre

Itchins, M. Arena, S. Rabindran, J. Christopher, N. Kim, S. Gibbs, E. Gill, A.J. Maher, R. Schembri, G. Bailey, E. Mittal, A. Bergamin S. Wong, M. Hruby, G. Kneebone, A. Pavlakis, N. Samra, J.S. Clarke, S.

Updated results of the SCOT study: an international phase III randomised (1:1) non-inferiority trial comparing 3 versus 6 months of oxaliplatin based adjuvant chemotherapy for colorectal cancer

Iveson, T. Kerr, R. Saunders, M. Hollander, N.H. Tabernero, J. Haydon, A. Glimelius, B. Harkin, A. Scudder, C. Boyd. K. Waterston, A. Medley, L.C Wilson, C. Ellis, R. Essapen, S. Dhadda, A. Harrison, M. Falk, S. Abdel-Raouf, S. Paul, J.
, 2017     DOI:10.1093/annonc/mdx440

Final DFS results of the SCOT study: an international phase III randomised (1:1) non-inferiority trial comparing 3 versus 6 months of oxaliplatin based adjuvant chemotherapy for colorectal cancer

Iveson, T. Kerr, R. Saunders, M.P. Hollander, N.H. Tabernero, J. Haydon, A.M. Glimelius, B. Harkin, A. Scudder, C. Boyd, K. Waterston, A.M. Medley, L.C Wilson, C. Ellis, R. Essapen, S. Dhadda, A.D. Harrison, M. Falk, S. Raouf, S. Paul, J.

Protocol for a randomised control trial of bisphosphonate (zoledronic acid) treatment in childhood femoral head avascular necrosis due to Perthes disease

Jamil, K. Zacharin, M. Foster, B. Donald, G. Hassall, T. Siafarikas, A. Johnson, M. Tham, E. Whitewood, C. Gebski, V. Cowell, C. T. Little, D. G. Munns, C. F.
BMJ PAEDIATR OPEN, 2017     DOI:10.1136/bmjpo-2017-000084

Effect of total laparoscopic hysterectomy vs total abdominal hysterectomy on disease-free survival among women with Stage I endometrial cancer: a randomized clinical trial

Janda, M. Gebski, V. Davies, L. C. Forder, P. Brand, A. Hogg, R. Jobling, T. W. Land, R. Manolitsas, T. Nascimento, M. Neesham, D. Nicklin, J. L. Oehler, M. K. Otton, G. Perrin, L. Salfinger, S. Hammond, I. Leung, Y. Sykes, P. Ngan, H. Garrett, A. Laney, M. Ng, T. Y. Tam, K. Chan, K. Wrede, C. D. Pather, S. Simcock, B. Farrell, R. Robertson, G. Walker, G. Armfield, N. R. Graves, N. McCartney, A. J. Obermair, A.
JAMA, 2017     DOI:10.1001/jama.2017.2068

Closing the gap between evidence and practice in chronic kidney disease

Jardine, M. J. Kasiske, B. Adu, D. Alrukhaimi, M. Ashuntantang, G. E. Basnet, S. Chailimpamontree, W. Craig, J. C. O'Donoghue, D. J. Perkovic, V. Powe, N. R. Roberts, C. J. Suzuki, Y. Tanaka, T. Uhlig, K.
KIDNEY INT SUPPL (2011), 2017     DOI:10.1016/j.kisu.2017.07.006

The Canagliflozin and Renal Endpoints in Diabetes with Established Nephropathy Clinical Evaluation (CREDENCE) Study Rationale, Design, and Baseline Characteristics

Jardine, M. J. Mahaffey, K. W. Neal, B. Agarwal, R. Bakris, G. L. Brenner, B. M. Bull, S. Cannon, C. P. Charytan, D. M. de Zeeuw, D. Edwards, R. Greene, T. Heerspink, H. J. L. Levin, A. Pollock, C. Wheeler, D. C. Xie, J. Zhang, H. Zinman, B. Desai, M. Perkovic, V. Credence study investigators
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY, 2017     DOI:10.1159/000484633

A Trial of Extending Hemodialysis Hours and Quality of Life

Jardine, M. J. Zuo, L. Gray, N. A. de Zoysa, J. R. Chan, C. T. Gallagher, M. P. Monaghan, H. Grieve, S. M. Puranik, R. Lin, H. Eris, J. M. Zhang, L. Xu, J. Howard, K. Lo, S. Cass, A. Perkovic, V. Active Dialysis Steering Committee Paul,

Closed-loop insulin delivery for adults with type 1 diabetes undertaking high-intensity interval exercise versus moderate-intensity exercise: a randomized, crossover study

Jayawardene, D. C. McAuley, S. A. Horsburgh, J. C. Gerche, A. Jenkins, A. J. Ward, G. M. MacIsaac, R. J. Roberts, T. J. Grosman, B. Kurtz, N. Roy, A. O'Neal, D. N.
DIABETES TECHNOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS, 2017     DOI:10.1089/dia.2016.0461

SCORE: shared care of colorectal cancer survivors: protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Jefford, M. Emery, J. Grunfeld, E. Martin, A. Rodger, P. Murray, A. M. De Abreu Lourenco, R. Heriot, A. Phipps-Nelson, J. Guccione, L. King, D. Lisy, K. Tebbutt, N. Burgess, A. Faragher, I. Woods, R. Schofield, P.
TRIALS, 2017     DOI:10.1186/s13063-017-2245-4

A randomised controlled trial of an advance care planning intervention for patients with incurable cancer

Johnson, S.B. Butow, P. Bell, M.L. Detering, K. Clayton, J. Silvester, W. Kiely, B.E. Clarke, S. Vaccaro, L. Stockler, M.R. Beale, P. Fitzgerald, N. Tattersall, M.