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4893 items matching your search terms.

Effect of a high-egg diet on cardiometabolic risk factors in people with type 2 diabetes: The Diabetes and Egg (DIABEGG) Study-randomized weight-loss and follow-up phase

Fuller, N. R. Sainsbury, A. Caterson, I. D. Denyer, G. Fong, M. Gerofi, J. Leung, C. Lau, N. S. Williams, K. H. Januszewski, A. S. Jenkins, A. J. Markovic, T. P.

GP-OSMOTIC trial protocol: An individually randomised controlled trial to determine the effect of retrospective continuous glucose monitoring (r-CGM) on HbA1c in adults with type 2 diabetes in general practice

Furler, J. O'Neal, D. N. Speight, J. Blackberry, I. Manski-Nankervis, J. A. Thuraisingam, S. de La Rue, K. Ginnivan, L. Browne, J. L. Holmes-Truscott, E. Khunti, K. Dalziel, K. Chiang, J. Audehm, R. Kennedy, M. Clark, M. Jenkins, A. J. Liew, D. Clarke, P. Best, J.
BMJ OPEN, 2018     DOI:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-021435

Homologous recombination DNA repair pathway disruption and retinoblastoma protein loss are associated with exceptional survival in high-grade serous ovarian cancer

Garsed, D. W. Alsop, K. Fereday, S. Emmanuel, C. Kennedy, C. J. Etemadmoghadam, D. Gao, B. Gebski, V. Gares, V. Christie, E. L. Wouters, M. C. A. Milne, K. George, J. Patch, A. M. Li, J. Arnau, G. M. Semple, T. Gadipally, S. R. Chiew, Y. E. Hendley, J. Mikeska, T. Zapparoli, G. V. Amarasinghe, K. Grimmond, S. M. Pearson, J. V. Waddell, N. Hung, J. Stewart, C. J. R. Sharma, R. Allan, P. E. Rambau, P. F. McNally, O. Mileshkin, L. Hamilton, A. Ananda, S. Grossi, M. Cohen, P. A. Leung, Y. C. Rome, R. M. Beale, P. Blomfield, P. Friedlander, M. Brand, A. Dobrovic, A. Kobel, M. Harnett, P. Nelson, B. H. Bowtell, D. D. L. deFazio, A. Nadia Traficante, for the Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group
CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH, 2018     DOI:10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-17-1621

Comparison of skin cancers in liver and renal transplant recipients: Results of a prospective study in an Australian tertiary referral centre

Ge, L. Chee, S. N. Robledo, K. P. Lowe, P.

Lowering the p-value threshold

Gebski, V. Byth, K.
JAMA, 2018     DOI:10.1001/jama.2018.8729

Data maturity and follow-up in time-to-event analyses

Gebski, V. Gares, V. Gibbs, E. Byth, K.

Estimating and interpreting the overall survival benefit of checkpoint inhibitors via meta-analysis-Reply

Gebski, V. Yang, J. C. Lee, C. K.
JAMA ONCOL, 2018     DOI:10.1001/jamaoncol.2018.1105

Hospital-based interventions: a systematic review of staff-reported barriers and facilitators to implementation processes

Geerligs, L. Rankin, N. M. Shepherd, H. L. Butow, P.
IMPLEMENTATION SCIENCE, 2018     DOI:10.1186/s13012-018-0726-9

Effect of primary tumor side on survival outcomes in untreated patients with metastatic colorectal cancer when selective internal radiation therapy is added to chemotherapy: Combined analysis of two randomized controlled studies

Gibbs, P. Heinemann, V. Sharma, N. K. Taieb, J. Ricke, J. Peeters, M. Findlay, M. Robinson, B. Jackson, C. Strickland, A. Gebski, V. Van Buskirk, M. Zhao, H. van Hazel, G. Sirflox, Foxfire Global Trial Investigators
CLINICAL COLORECTAL CANCER, 2018     DOI:10.1016/j.clcc.2018.06.001

Clinical benefits of evolocumab appear less than hoped – Authors' reply

Giugliano, Robert P. Keech, Anthony C. Sever, Peter S. Pedersen, Terje R. Sabatine, Marc S.
THE LANCET, 2018     DOI:10.1016/s0140-6736(18)30529-4

Consensus statement on essential patient characteristics in systemic treatment trials for metastatic colorectal cancer: Supported by the ARCAD Group

Goey, K. K. H. Sorbye, H. Glimelius, B. Adams, R. A. Andre, T. Arnold, D. Berlin, J. D. Bodoky, G. de Gramont, A. Diaz-Rubio, E. Eng, C. Falcone, A. Grothey, A. Heinemann, V. Hochster, H. S. Kaplan, R. S. Kopetz, S. Labianca, R. Lieu, C. H. Meropol, N. J. Price, T. J. Schilsky, R. L. Schmoll, H. J. Shacham-Shmueli, E. Shi, Q. Sobrero, A. F. Souglakos, J. Van Cutsem, E. Zalcberg, J. van Oijen, M. G. H. Punt, C. J. A. Koopman, M.
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER, 2018     DOI:10.1016/j.ejca.2018.05.010

Health services costs for cancer care in Australia: Estimates from the 45 and Up study

Goldsbury, D. E. Yap, S. Weber, M. F. Veerman, L. Rankin, N. Banks, E. Canfell, K. O'Connell, D. L.
PLOS ONE, 2018     DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0201552

Genome-wide association studies for diabetic macular edema and proliferative diabetic retinopathy

Graham, P. S. Kaidonis, G. Abhary, S. Gillies, M. C. Daniell, M. Essex, R. W. Chang, J. H. Lake, S. R. Pal, B. Jenkins, A. J. Hewitt, A. W. Lamoureux, E. L. Hykin, P. G. Petrovsky, N. Brown, M. A. Craig, J. E. Burdon, K. P.
BMC MED GENET, 2018     DOI:10.1186/s12881-018-0587-8

The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of hepatitis C screening for migrants in the EU/EEA: A systematic review

Greenaway, C. Makarenko, I. Chakra, C. N. A. Alabdulkarim, B. Christensen, R. Palayew, A. Tran, A. Staub, L. Pareek, M. Meerpohl, J. J. Noori, T. Veldhuijzen, I. Pottie, K. Castelli, F. Morton, R. L.

The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of screening for active tuberculosis among migrants in the EU/EEA: A systematic review

Greenaway, C. Pareek, M. Abou Chakra, C. N. Walji, M. Makarenko, I. Alabdulkarim, B. Hogan, C. McConnell, T. Scarfo, B. Christensen, R. Tran, A. Rowbotham, N. Noori, T. van der Werf, M. J. Pottie, K. Matteelli, A. Zenner, D. Morton, R. L.
EURO SURVEILLANCE, 2018     DOI:10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2018.23.14.17-00542