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4893 items matching your search terms.

Randomisation in clinical trials

Beller, EM Gebski, V Keech, AC

Randomisation in clinical trials

Beller, E. M. Gebski, V. Keech, A. C.

Platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors in acute coronary syndromes: a meta-analysis of all major randomised clinical trials.

Boersma, E Harrington, R.A. Moliterno, D.J. White, H. Theroux, P. Van de Werf, F. de Torbal, A. Armstrong, P.W. Wallentin, L.C. Wilcox, R.G Simes, J. Califf, R.M Topol, E.J Simoons, M.L.

Specifying interventions in a clinical trial

Brighton, J Gebski, VJ Keech, AC

Specifying interventions in a clinical trial

Brighton, J. K. Gebski, V. J. Keech, A. C.

A randomized phase III trial of preoperative chemoradiation followed by surgery versus surgery alone for localized resectable cancer of the esophagus

Burmeister, BH Smithers, BM Fitzgerald, L Gebski, V Devitt, P Ackland, S Joseph, D Millar, J North, J Walpole, ET Denham, JW

Screening mammography: setting the record straight

Cochrane Breast Cancer Group, Simes, J. Wilcken, N. Brunswick, C. Clarke, M. Ganz, P. Ghersi, D. Henderson, I.C. Liberati, A. Lockwood, S. Pritchard, K. Rodger, A. Langhorne, P. Gøtzsche, P.C. Horton, R. Goodare, H. Dimmer, C. Page, K.