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4893 items matching your search terms.

Prognostic factors of toxicity and efficacy in patients with gastro-intestinal stromal tumors treated with imatinib: a study of the EORTC-STBSG, ISG and AGITG

Van Glabbeke, MM Verweij, J Casali, PG Zalcberg, J Le Cesne, A Reichard, P Blay, JY Schlemmer, M Donato Di Paola, E Judson, IR

Anterior tongue cancer: age is not a predictor of outcome and should not alter treatment

Veness, M. J. Morgan, G. J. Sathiyaseelan, Y. Gebski, V.

Eligibility and choice in the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons SNAC trial of sentinel node biopsy vs axillary clearance in operable breast cancer

Wetzig, NR Gill, PG Ung, O Collins, J Kollias, J Gillette, D Gebski, V Coskinas, X Cakir, B Stockler, M

Fulvestrant: spreading the word, but not too thinly

Wilcken, NR Stockler, MR
LANCET, 2003     DOI:10.1016/s0140-6736(03)14616-8

Determining the sample size in a clinical trial (multiple letters)

Williamson, O. D. Kirby, A. Gebski, V. Keech, A. C.

Early efficacy comparison of two doses of imatinib for the treatment of advanced gastro-intestinal stromal tumors: interim results of a randomized phase II trial from EORTC-STBSG, ISG & AGITG

Zalcberg, J Verweij, J Casali, PG Le Cesne, A Reichardt, P Blay, JY Issels, RD Van Glabbeke, M Donato di Paola, E Judson, IR Dhillon, H Kotasek, D Findlay, M Goldstein, D

Sustained ventricular arrhythmias among patients with acute coronary syndromes with no ST-segment elevation: incidence, predictors, and outcomes

Al-Khatib, SM; Granger, CB; Huang, Y; Lee, KL; Califf, RM; Simoons, ML; Armstrong, PW; Van de Werf, F; White, HD; Simes, RJ; Moliterno, DJ; Topol, EJ; Harrington, RA