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4893 items matching your search terms.

Interventions for prevention of postoperative atrial fibrillation and its complications after cardiac surgery: a meta-analysis

Burgess, DC Kilborn, MJ Keech, AC
EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, 2006     DOI:10.1093/eurheartj/ehl272

Interventions for prevention of post-operative atrial fibrillation and its complications after cardiac surgery: A meta-analysis

Burgess, D. C. Kilborn, M. J. Keech, A. C.
EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, 2006     DOI:10.1093/eurheartj/ehl272

Statin use and sex-specific stroke outcomes in patients with vascular disease

Bushnell, CD Griffin, J Newby, LK Goldstein, LB Mahaffey, KW Graffagnino, CA Harrington, RA White, HD Simes, RJ Califf, RM Topol, EJ Easton, JD

Assessing the relationship between symptoms of allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and pollen counts

Byth, K Cox, DR Forder, P
AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF STATISTICS, 2006     DOI:doi: 10.1111/j.1467-842X.2006.00453.x

Somatostatin receptor expression, tumour response, and quality of life in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma treated with long-acting octreotide

Cebon, J Findlay, M Hargreaves, C Stockler, M Thompson, P Boyer, M Roberts, S Poon, A Scott, AM. Kalff, V Garas, G Dowling, A Crawford, D Ring, J Basser, R Strickland, A Macdonald, G Green, M Nowak, A Dickman, B Dhillon, H Gebski, V Australasian Gastro-Intestinal Trials Group (AGITG) AG0001H Investigators,

Waiving confidentiality for the greater good

Chan, AW Upshur, R Singh, JA Ghersi, D Chapuis, F Altman, DG

Predicting the toxicity of weekly docetaxel in advanced cancer

Charles, KA Rivory, LP Stockler, MR Beale, P Beith, J Boyer, M Clarke, SJ

Randomized trial of effects of continuous combined HRT on markers of lipids and coagulation in women with acute coronary syndromes: WHISP pilot study

Collins, P Flather, M Lees, B Mister, R Proudler, AJ Stevenson, JC on behalf of the WHISP (Women’s Hormone Intervention Secondary Prevention Study) Pilot Study Investigators,

Obesity and adipokines as risk factors for major coronary heart disease events in patients with CHD: results from the LIPID trial.

Colquhoun, D; Soderberg, S; Kirby, A; Keech, A; Simes, J; Hague, W; Hamilton-Craig, I; Tonkin, A

Zoledronic acid prevents bone loss after liver transplantation: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

Crawford, BA Kam, C Pavlovic, J Byth, K Handelsman, DJ Angus, PW McCaughan, GW

Perioperative chemotherapy versus surgery alone for resectable gastroesophageal cancer

Cunningham, D Allum, WH Stenning, SP Thompson, JN Van de Velde, CJH Nicolson, M Scarffe, JH Lofts, FJ Falk, SJ Iveson, TJ Smith, DB Langley, RE Verma, M Weeden, S Chua, YJ for the MAGIC trial participants,

KIT mutations and dose selection for imatinib in patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumours

Debiec-Rychter, M Sciot, R Le Cesne, A Schlemmer, M Hohenberger, P van Oosterom, AT Blay, JY Leyvraz, S Stul, M Casali, PG Zalcberg, J Verweij, J Van Glabbeke, M Hagemeijer, A Judson, I on behalf of the EORTC Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma Group, Italian Sarcoma Group, and the Australasian Gastro-Intestinal Trials Group,
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER, 2006     DOI:10.1016/j.ejca.2006.01.030