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4893 items matching your search terms.

Discrepant perceptions about end-of-life communication: a systematic review

Hancock, K Clayton, JM Parker, SM Walder, S Butow, PN Carrick, S Currow, D Ghersi, D Glare, P Hagerty, R Tattersall, MHN
JOURNAL OF PAIN AND SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT, 2007     DOI:10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2006.11.009

Truth-telling in discussing prognosis in advanced life-limiting illnesses: a systematic review

Hancock, K Clayton, JM Parker, SM Walder, S Butow, PN Carrick, S Currow, D Ghersi, D Glare, P Hagerty, R Tattersall, MHN
PALLIATIVE MEDICINE, 2007     DOI:10.1177/0269216307080823

Can self-rated health be used for risk prediction in patients with type 2 diabetes?

Hayes, A; Clarke, P; Glasziou, P; Simes, J; Drury, P; Keech, A ; e 2007; Chicago.

Long-term effects of fenofibrate on VLDL and HDL subspecies in participants with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Hiukka, A Leinonen, E Jauhiainen, M Sundvall, J Ehnholm, C Keech, AC Taskinen, MR

Erratum: Long-term effects of fenofibrate on VLDL and HDL subspecies in participants with type 2 diabetes mellitus (Diabetologia doi: 10.1007/s00125-007-0751-8)

Hiukka, A. Leinonen, E. Jauhiainen, M. Sundvall, J. Ehnholm, C. Keech, A. C. Taskinen, M. R.
DIABETOLOGIA, 2007     DOI:10.1007/s00125-007-0845-3

Long-term effects of fenofibrate on VLDL and HDL subspecies in participants with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Hiukka, A. Leinonen, E. Jauhiainen, M. Sundvall, J. Ehnholm, C. Keech, A. C. Taskinen, M. R.
DIABETOLOGIA, 2007     DOI:10.1007/s00125-007-0751-8

Mechanism for apolipoprotein CIII-enhanced atherogenicity of LDL in type 2 diabetes

Hiukka, A Pettersson, C Leinonen, ES Taskinen, MR Boren, J

Effects of a treatment gap during adjuvant chemotherapy in node-positive breast cancer: results of International Breast Cancer Study Group (IBCSG) trials 13-93 and 14-93

International Breast Cancer Study Group, Colleoni, M Gelber, S Simoncini, E Pagani, O Gelber, RD Price, KN Castiglione-Gertsch, M Coates, AS Goldhirsch, A

Cetuximab for the treatment of colorectal cancer

Jonker, DJ O'Callaghan, CJ Karapetis, CS Zalcberg, JR Tu, D Au, HJ Berry, SR Krahn, M Price, T Simes, RJ Tebbutt, NC van Hazel, G Wierzbicki, R Langer, C Moore, MJ
NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, 2007     DOI:doi:10.1056/NEJMoa071834

A phase III randomized study of cetuximab (Erbitux, C225) and best supportive care versus best supportive care in patients with pretreated metastatic colorectal carcinoma

Jonker, DJ; Karapetis, CS; Moore, MJ; Zalcberg, JR; Tu, D; Au, H; Berry, S; Krahn, M; Simes, RJ; Tebbutt, N; van Hazel, G; O'Callaghan, CJ