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4893 items matching your search terms.

Early retirement and the financial assets of individuals with back problems

Schofield, DJ Shrestha, RN Percival, R Callander, EJ Kelly, SJ Passey, M
EUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL, 2011     DOI:10.1007/s00586-010-1647-8

Retiring early due to chronic conditions: impact on individual’s financial assets

Schofield, D Shrestha, R Percival, R Callander, E Passey, M Kelly, S

Quantifying the effect of early retirement on the wealth of individuals with depression or other mental illness

Schofield, DJ Shrestha, RN Percival, R Kelly, SJ Passey, ME Callander, EJ
BRITISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY, 2011     DOI:10.1192/bjp.bp.110.081679

The personal and national costs of mental health conditions: impacts on income, taxes, government support payments due to lost labour force participation

Schofield, D Shrestha, R Percival, R Passey, M Callander, E Kelly, S
BMC PSYCHIATRY, 2011     DOI:10.1186/1471-244X-11-72

Economic impacts of illness in older workers: quantifying the impact of illness on income, tax revenue and government spending

Schofield, DJ Shrestha, RN Percival, R Passey, ME Kelly, SJ Callander, EJ
BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, 2011     DOI:10.1186/1471-2458-11-418

Projecting the impacts of illness on labour force participation: an application of Health&WealthMOD

Schofield, D Shrestha, R Passey, M Fletcher, S Kelly, S Percival, R

Do hope, optimism and other psychological factors predict survival in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer?

Schofield, PE Stockler, MR Zannino, D Wong, N Ransom, D Moylan, EJ Simes, RJ Price, TJ Tebbutt, NC Jefford, M on behalf of the Australasian Gastro-Intestinal Trials Group,

Impact of metabolic syndrome and its components on cardiovascular disease event rates in 4900 patients with type 2 diabetes assigned to placebo in the FIELD randomised trial

Scott, R Donoghoe, M Watts, GF O’Brien, R Pardy, C Taskinen, MR Davis, TME Colman, PG Manning, P Fulcher, G Keech, AC on behalf of the FIELD study investigators,
CARDIOVASCULAR DIABETOLOGY, 2011     DOI:10.1186/1475-2840-10-102

Impact of metabolic syndrome and its components on cardiovascular disease event rates in 4900 patients with type 2 diabetes assigned to placebo in the field randomised trial

Scott, R. Donoghoe, M. Watts, G. F. O'Brien, R. Pardy, C. Taskinen, M. R. Davis, T. M. E. Colman, P. G. Manning, P. Fulcher, G. Keech, A. C.
CARDIOVASCULAR DIABETOLOGY, 2011     DOI:10.1186/1475-2840-10-102

A phase III study of cetuximab plus either brivanib alaninate versus placebo in patients with chemotherapy-refractory KRAS wild-type advanced colorectal cancer. The NCIC CTG/AGITG CO.20 trial

Shapiro, J Siu, LL Zalcberg, J Moore, M Ringash, J Mittmann, N Simes, J O’Callaghan, CJ Tu, D Walters, I Magoski, N Smith, P Nomikos, D Zhu, L Savoie, M Virk, S El-Tahche, F Gill, R Price, T Jonker, D

Simulating the economic impacts of diabetes prevention programmes for 45 to 64 year olds in Australia

Shrestha, R Passey, M Bertam, M Schofield, D Vos, T Callander, E Percival, R Kelly, S

Health and wealth in Australia: the impact of chronic disease on labour force participation and economy

Shrestha, R Schofield, D Passey, M Callander, E Kelly, S Percival, R Vos, T Bertam, M

The role of hormonal therapy in gynecological cancers—current status and future directions

Sjoquist, KM Martyn, J Edmondson, RJ Friedlander, ML