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4893 items matching your search terms.

The utility of serum CA-125 in predicting extra-uterine disease in apparent early stage endometrial cancer

Nicklin, J Janda, M Gebski, V Jobling, T Land, R Manolitsas, T McCartney, A Nascimento, M Perrin, L Baker, J Obermair, A for the LACE trial investigators,
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER, 2012     DOI:10.1002/ijc.26433

EORTC liver metastases intergroup randomized phase III study 40983: long-term survival results

Nordlinger, B Sorbye, H Glimelius, B Poston, GJ Schlag, PM Rougier, P Bechstein, W Primrose, JN Walpole, ET Mauer, ME Gruenberger, T for the EORTC GI Group, CR UK, ALMCAO, AGITG, Nordic Group, and FFCD,

Phase II trial of BNC105P as second-line chemotherapy for advanced malignant pleural mesothelioma: Australasian Lung Cancer Trials Group and NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre Collaboration

Nowak, AK Brown, C Millward, M Maxwell, BG Bibby, DC Kremmidiotis, G Doolin, EE Mitchell, P Pavlakis, N Coskinas, X Sebastian, LT Cummins, MM Boyer, MJ Parnis, F Lavranos, TC Stockler, MR

Improved surgical safety after laparoscopic compared to open surgery for apparent early stage endometrial cancer: results from a randomised controlled trial

Obermair, A Janda, M Baker, J Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan, S Brand, A Hogg, R Jobling, TW Land, R Manolitsas, T Nascimento, M Neesham, D Nicklin, JL Oehler, MK Otton, G Perrin, L Salfinger, S Hammond, I Leung, Y Sykes, P Ngan, H Garrett, A Laney, M Ng, TY Tam, K Chan, K Wrede, DH Pather, S Simcock, B Farrell, R Robertson, G Walker, G McCartney, A Gebski, V
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER, 2012     DOI:10.1016/j.ejca.2012.02.055

Lower levels of serum testosterone, quality of life, and treatment for testicular cancer: a prospective cohort study

Olver, I Fournier, M Stockler, M Whitford, H Toner, G Thomson, D Davis, I Hanning, F Singhal, N Underhill, C Clingan, P McDonald, A Boland, A Grimison, P

Long-term fenofibrate therapy increases fibroblast growth factor 21 and retinol-binding protein 4 in subjects with type 2 diabetes

Ong, KL Rye, KA O'Connell, R Jenkins, AJ Brown, C Xu, A Sullivan, DR Barter, PJ Keech, AC

Long-term fenofibrate therapy increases fibroblast growth factor 21 and retinol-binding protein 4 in subjects with type 2 diabetes

Ong, KL Rye, K-A O'Connell, R Jenkins, AJ Brown, C Xu, A Sullivan, DR Barter, PJ Keech, AC on behalf of the FIELD study investigators,

Long-term fenofibrate therapy increases fibroblast growth factor 21 and retinol-binding protein 4 in subjects with type 2 diabetes

Ong, K. L. Rye, K. A. O'Connell, R. Jenkins, A. J. Brown, C. Xu, A. Sullivan, D. R. Barter, P. J. Keech, A. C.

Use of the King's outcome scale for childhood head injury in the evaluation of outcome in childhood traumatic brain injury

Paget, SP Beath, AWJ Barnes, EH Waugh, MC.
DEVELOPMENTAL NEUROREHABILITATION, 2012     DOI:10.3109/17518423.2012.671381

Effects of antiplatelet therapy on mortality and cardiovascular and bleeding outcomes in persons with chronic kidney disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Palmer, S. C. Di Micco, L. Razavian, M. Craig, J. C. Perkovic, V. Pellegrini, F. Copetti, M. Graziano, G. Tognoni, G. Jardine, M. Webster, A. Nicolucci, A. Zoungas, S. Strippoli, G. F.
ANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE, 2012     DOI:10.7326/0003-4819-156-6-201203200-00007

The impact of diabetes prevention on labour force participation and income of older Australians: an economic study

Passey, ME Shreshtha, RN Bertram, MY Schofield, DJ Vos, T Callander, EJ Percival, R Kelly, SJ
BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, 2012     DOI:10.1186/1471-2458-12-16

What is optimal timing of post prostatectomy radiotherapy? Is adjuvant radiotherapy equivalent to early salvage radiotherapy? The “RAVES” phase III randomized clinical trial

Pearse, M Kneebone, A Duchesne, GM Fisher, R Fraser-Browne, C Frydenberg, M Haworth, A Jose, C Joseph, DJ Lim, T Matthews, J Millar, J Sidhom, M Spry, N Tang, C Turner, S Williams, SG Wiltshire, K Woo, H Davis, ID