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4893 items matching your search terms.

Nicotinamide for skin cancer chemoprevention

Chen, AC Martin, AJ Halliday, GM Surjana, D Damian, DL

The advantage of letrozole over tamoxifen in the BIG 1-98 trial is consistent in younger postmenopausal women and in those with chemotherapy-induced menopause

Chirgwin, J Sun, Z Smith, I Price, KN Thürlimann, B Ejlertsen, B Bonnefoi, H Regan, MM Goldhirsch, A Coates, AS for the BIG 1-98 Collaborative and International Breast Cancer Study Groups,
BREAST CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT, 2012     DOI:10.1007/s10549-011-1741-6

PAN1: a randomized phase II study evaluating potential predictive biomarkers in the treatment of metastatic pancreatic cancer

Chua, YJ Karapetis, C Underhill, C Nott, L Goldstein, D Cronk, M Gebski, V Wong, N Sjoquist, K Biankin, A

Is adjuvant chemotherapy useful for women with luminal a breast cancer?

Coates, AS Colleoni, M Goldhirsch, A
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 2012     DOI:10.1200/JCO.2011.37.7879

Prognostic interaction between expression of p53 and estrogen receptor in patients with node-negative breast cancer: results from IBCSG Trials VIII and IX

Coates, AS Millar, EK O'Toole, SA Molloy, TJ Viale, G Goldhirsch, A Regan, MM Gelber, RD Sun, Z Castiglione-Gertsch, M Gusterson, B Musgrove, EA Sutherland, RL

Evaluation of flexible and rigid (class solution) radiation therapy conformal prostate planning protocols

Coburn, N Beldham-Collins, R Westling, J Trovato, J Gebski, V
MEDICAL DOSIMETRY, 2012     DOI:10.1016/j.meddos.2010.12.004

Repeat prenatal corticosteroid prior to preterm birth: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis for the PRECISE study group (Prenatal repeat corticosteroid international IPD study group: assessing the effects using the best level of evidence): study protocol

Crowther, CA Aghajafari, F Askie, LM Asztalos, EV Brocklehurst, P Bubner, TK Doyle, LW Dutta, S Garite, TJ Guinn, DA Hallman, M Hannah, ME Hardy, P Maurel, K Mazumder, P McEvoy, C Middleton, PF Murphy, KE Peltoniemi, OM Peters, D Sullivan, L Thom, EA Voysey, M Wapner, RJ Yelland, L Zhang, S

The effect of clinical history on accuracy of electrocardiograph interpretation among doctors working in emergency departments

Cruz, MF Edwards, J Dinh, MM Barnes, EH
MEDICAL JOURNAL OF AUSTRALIA, 2012     DOI:10.5694/mja11.11598

Rates of obstetric intervention among low-risk women giving birth in private and public hospitals in NSW: A population-based descriptive study

Dahlen, HG Tracy, S Tracy, M Bisits, A Brown, C Thornton, C
BMJ OPEN, 2012     DOI:10.1136/bmjopen-2012-001723

EVERSUN: a phase II trial of everolimus alternating with sunitinib as first-line therapy for advanced renal cell carcinoma (ANZUP trial 0901)

Davis, ID Gebski, V Chatfield, MD Grimison, PS Kannourakis, G Boland, AL Thompson, J Stockler MR, Australian and New Zealand Urogenital and Prostate Cancer Trials Group (ANZUP)

Lack of effect of lowering LDL cholesterol on cancer: Meta-analysis of individual data from 175,000 people in 27 randomised trials of Statin therapy: Cholesterol Treatment Trialists' (CTT) Collaboration

De Lemos, J. Braunwald, E. Blazing, M. Murphy, S. Downs, J. R. Gotto, A. Clearfield, M. Holdaas, H. Gordon, D. Davis, B. Koren, M. Dahlof, B. Poulter, N. Sever, P. Knopp, R. H. Fellström, B. Holdaas, H. Jardine, A. Schmieder, R. Zannad, F. Goldbourt, U. Kaplinsky, E. Colhoun, H. M. Betteridge, D. J. Durrington, P. N. Hitman, G. A. Fuller, J. Neil, A. Wanner, C. Krane, V. Sacks, F. Moyé, L. Pfeffer, M. Hawkins, C. M. Braunwald, E. Kjekshus, J. Wedel, H. Wikstrand, J. Tavazzi, L. Maggioni, A. Marchioli, R. Tognoni, G. Franzosi, M. G. Maggioni, A. Collins, R. Armitage, J. Keech, A. Parish, S. Peto, R. Sleight, P. Pedersen, T. R. Ridker, P. M. Simes, J. Keech, A. MacMahon, S. Marschner, I. Tonkin, A. Shaw, J. Serruys, P. W. Nakamura, H. Knatterud, G. Furberg, C. Byington, R. Macfarlane, P. Cobbe, S. Ford, I. Murphy, M. Blauw, G. J. Packard, C. Shepherd, J. Kjekshus, J. Pedersen, T. Wilhelmsen, L. Braunwald, E. Cannon, C. Murphy, S. Collins, R. Armitage, J. Bowman, L. Parish, S. Peto, R. Sleight, P. La Rosa, J. Shepherd, J. Cobbe, S. Macfarlane, P. Ford, I. Flather, M. Kastelein, J. Newman, C. Shear, C. Tobert, J. Varigos, J. White, H. Yusuf, S. Baxter, A. Baigent, C. Barnes, E. H. Bhala, N. Blackwell, L. Buck, G. Collins, R. Emberson, J. Herrington, W. G. Holland, L. E. Kearney, P. M. Keech, A. Kirby, A. Lewis, D. A. Marschner, I. Reith, C. Simes, J. Mellies, M. McGovern, M. Barclay, J. Belder, R. Mitchell, Y. Musliner, T. Ansquer, J. C. Llewellyn, M. Bortolini, M. Bryzinski, B. Olsson, G. Pears, J. De Micco, D. Emberson, J. R. Kearney, P. M. Blackwell, L. Newman, C. Reith, C. Bhala, N. Holland, L. Peto, R. Keech, A. Collins, R. Simes, J. Baigent, C.
PLOS ONE, 2012     DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0029849

Impact of a cancer clinical trials web site on discussions about trial participation: a cluster randomized trial

Dear, RF Barratt, AL Askie, LM Butow, PN McGeechan, K Crossing, S Currow, DC Tattersall, MH
ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY, 2012     DOI:10.1093/annonc/mdr585

Identifying and prioritising gaps in colorectal cancer trials research in Australia

Dear, RF Barratt, A Evans, A Simes, J Kent, D Newson, J Crossing, S Holliday, C Segelov, E Hruby, G Tattersall, MHN