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4893 items matching your search terms.

Cigarette smoking and albuminuria are associated with impaired arterial smooth muscle function in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A FIELD substudy

Harmer, J. A. Keech, A. C. Veillard, A. S. Skilton, M. R. Marwick, T. H. Watts, G. F. Meredith, I. T. Celermajer, D. S.
DIABETES RESEARCH AND CLINICAL PRACTICE, 2014     DOI:10.1016/j.diabres.2014.08.029

Gynecologic cancer intergroup (GCIG) consensus review for clear cell carcinoma of the uterine corpus and cervix

Hasegawa, K. Nagao, S. Yasuda, M. Millan, D. Viswanathan, A. N. Glasspool, R. M. Devouassoux-Shisheboran, M. Covens, A. Lorusso, D. Kurzeder, C. Kim, J. W. Gladieff, L. Bryce, J. Friedlander, M. Fujiwara, K.

Improving treatment for obese women with early stage cancer of the uterus: rationale and design of the levonorgestrel intrauterine device±metformin±weight loss in endometrial cancer (feMME) trial

Hawkes, A.L. Quinn, M. Gebski, V. Armes, J. Brennan, D. Janda, M. for the feMME Trial Committee, Obermair, A.
CONTEMPORARY CLINICAL TRIALS, 2014     DOI:10.1016/j.cct.2014.06.014

Exercise during chemotherapy for ovarian cancer: study design features and outcomes of a Cancer Australia and Cancer Council Australia funded randomised, controlled trial

Hayes, S. Friedlander, M. Obermair, A. Mileshkin, L. Janda, M. Gordon, L. Barnes, E. Beesley, V. Eakin, E. Sommeijer, D. Martyn, J. Stockler, M. Gebski, V. Naumann, F. Schmitz, K. Webb, P.

e-TC: development and pilot testing of a web-based intervention to reduce anxiety and depression in survivors of testicular cancer

Heiniger, L. Butow, P.N. Olver, I. Grimison, P. Smith, A.B. Klein, B. Wootten, A. Abbott, J.A. Price, M.A. McJannett, M. Tran, B. Stockler, M. Gurney, H.

Severe hypoglycaemia and its association with psychological well-being in Australian adults with type 1 diabetes attending specialist tertiary clinics

Hendrieckx, C. Halliday, J.A. Bowden, J.P. Colman, P.G. Cohen, N. Jenkins, A. Speight, J.
DIABETES RESEARCH AND CLINICAL PRACTICE, 2014     DOI:10.1016/j.diabres.2013.12.005

Can we accurately report PTEN status in advanced colorectal cancer?

Hocking, C. Hardingham, J. E. Broadbridge, V. Wrin, J. Townsend, A. R. Tebbutt, N. Cooper, J. Ruszkiewicz, A. Lee, C. Price, T. J.
BMC CANCER, 2014     DOI:10.1186/1471-2407-14-128

Rising prevalence of human papillomavirus related oropharyngeal cancer in Australia over the last two decades

Hong, A. Lee, C. S. Jones, D. Veillard, A. Zhang, M. Zhang, X. Smee, R. Corry, J. Porceddu, S. Milross, C. Elliott, M. Clark, J. Rose, B.
HEAD AND NECK, 2014     DOI:10.1002/hed.23942

Levels of urinary NGAL and KIM-1 early in pregnancy are indicative of subclinical kidney injury in diabetic women who subsequently developed pre-eclampsia

Hookham, M. B. Yu, J. Y. Jenkins, A. J. Hanssen, K. F. Aston, C. E. Lyons, T. J.
, 2014     DOI:10.1016/j.preghy.2014.10.152

From biomarkers to medical tests: the changing landscape of test evaluation

Horvath, A. R. Lord, S. J. StJohn, A. Sandberg, S. Cobbaert, C. M. Lorenz, S. Monaghan, P. J. Verhagen-Kamerbeek, W. D. Ebert, C. Bossuyt, P. M. for the Test Evaluation Working Group of the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry Laboratory Medicine,
CLINICA CHIMICA ACTA, 2014     DOI:10.1016/j.cca.2013.09.018

Circulating microRNAs associated with docetaxel-resistant castration resistant prostate cancer

Horvath, L Lin, HM Castillo, L Mahon, KL Chiam, K Lee, BY Nguyen, Q Qu, W Boyer, MJ Stockler, MR Pavlakis, N Marx, GM Gowda, GMH Gurney, H Clark, SJ Swarbrick, A Daly, RJ

Semiparametric methods for multistate survival models in randomised trials

Hudson, H.M. Lô, S.N. Simes, R.J. Tonkin, A.M. Heritier, S.
STATISTICS IN MEDICINE, 2014     DOI:10.1002/sim.6060

Impact of chemoradiotherapy on local control and time without treatment in patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer included in the international phase III LAP 07 study

Huguet, F Hammel, P Vernerey, D Goldstein, D Van Laethem, JL Glimelius, B Spry, N Paget-Bailly S Bonnetain, F Louvet, C

Impact of chemoradiotherapy on local control and time without treatment in patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer included in the international phase III LAP 07 study

Huguet, F Hammel, P Vernerey, D Goldstein, D Van Laethem, J.L. Glimelius, B. Spry, N. Paget-Bailly, S. Bonnetain, F. Louvet, C.