The Evidence Integration team uses individual participant data meta-analysis to assist with the global initiative to reduce research waste. The team synthesises raw, line-by-line, individual participant data from many pre-existing trials, into one larger dataset that can be used to provide insights into rare outcomes or particular sub-groups. These analyses are not typically possible in traditional trials or meta-analyses due to limitations in terms of study size, funding, or reporting of aggregate data.

The team welcomes any interest in forming collaborations, and are happy to be contacted to be involved in the design stage of individual participant data systematic reviews, or to discuss whether it would be possible to integrate an individual participant data systematic review in your study.



The group is currently in the process of leading two large individual participant data systematic reviews via two collaborations:

  • The iCOMP Collaboration: an individual participant data systematic review on the effect of cord management strategies on mortality in pre-term infants. This Collaboration includes over 70 trials, using data from over 10,000 infants! 
  • The TOPCHILD Collaboration: an individual participant data systematic review on the effect of obesity prevention interventions in infants on weight at 2 years. This Collaboration includes over 35 trials representing data from over 30,000 children. 


Funding and collaborators

Funders include the NHMRC and our Collaborators include the Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit and Flinders University.


Contact us

iCOMP Collaboration:

TOPCHILD Collaboration: