Achieving a balance in the use of oxygen in the delivery room for preterm infants, who have underdeveloped defence mechanisms against oxidative stress, and therefore are especially susceptible to the potential harms of reactive oxygen species. Currently, the optimal fraction of inspired oxygen is uncertain. Further, the feasibility of, and outcomes related to, prescribed oxygen saturation targets remain unknown.

The purpose of the NETMOTION Collaboration is to examine the ideal initial fraction of inspired oxygen using network meta-analysis of individual participant data.

The objectives of the study are:
1. To assess the effect of various initial oxygen concentrations on the feasibility of reaching recommended oxygen saturation targets by 5 minutes of life.
2. To assess the effect of various initial oxygen concentrations on other important outcomes including mortality and intraventricular haemorrhage.



NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre, The Royal Hospital for Women in Randwick, University of NSW, University of Alberta.

Chief Investigators:

Anna Lene Seidler, Ju Lee Oei, James X Sotiropoulos, George M Schmolzer, Kylie Hunter, Jonathan Williams, Angela Webster

Contact email:

Other info:

CTC staff involved in NETMOTION: Anna Lene Seidler, James X Sotiropoulos, Kylie Hunter, Jonathan Williams, Angela Webster


  1. Sotiropoulos JX, Oei JL, Schmölzer GM, Hunter KE, Williams JG, Webster AC, Vento M, Kapadia V, Rabi Y, Dekker J, Vermeulen MJ...Seidler AL. NETwork Meta-analysis Of Trials of Initial Oxygen in preterm Newborns (NETMOTION): A Protocol for Systematic Review and Individual Participant Data Network Meta-Analysis of Preterm Infants< 32 Weeks’ Gestation Randomized to Initial Oxygen Concentration for Resuscitation. Neonatology. 2022;119(4):517-24.