33% improvement in overall survival and a 60% improvement in progression-free survival for people with hormone-sensitive prostate cancer. Recognised as one of the most important clinical research advances in 2020.



Approximately 3,300 people died from prostate cancer in Australia in 2019. Survival rates are high, with a 95% chance of surviving at least five years from the date of diagnosis.


The aim of the study was to see if a new drug, enzalutamide, can improve outcomes for patients with metastatic prostate cancer compared with the current best standard treatment. This was a randomised controlled trial meaning that half the trial participants received enzalutamide and the other half received the current best standard treatment. All participants received active treatment for their cancer.


Findings from the ENZAMET trial have shown that hormone therapy with a drug called enzalutamide can improve the survival of some men with advanced, hormone-sensitive prostate cancer, and men with this sort of cancer who receive enzalutamide with standard treatment have a 33% improvement in overall survival and a 60%improvement in progression-free survival, compared to men receiving standard treatment alone.


Conceived, designed and conducted in collaboration with ANZUP.

Large multi-national trial run over 10 years with the majority of sites based in the USA.


2014 - 2021


ANZUP, Canadian Cancer Trials Group (CCTG), Dana-Faber Cancer Institute, Cancer Trials Ireland


Full trial details on ANZCTR >

Enzalutamide with Standard First-Line Therapy in Metastatic Prostate Cancer

Watch ASCO Reading Room | Eric Klein, MD, Discusses Enzalutamide's Impact on Overall Quality of Life | MedPage Today

Health-Related Quality of Life in Metastatic, Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer: ENZAMET (ANZUP 1304), an International, Randomized Phase III Trial Led by ANZUP