Research Themes

Biostatistics, cancer (brain and gynaecological cancer)


BAppSc, MStat

Liz Barnes

Research Fellow

Liz Barnes joined the CTC in 2004. She is a biostatistician working on clinical trials and with trial data, primarily in oncology and cardiovascular medicine. Liz is the statistician for the COGNO brain cancer group and member of their Scientific Advisory Committee, and provides input to study concept development and appraisal for the group and the development, operation and analysis of the COGNO portfolio of trials. She is also statistician on the Uterine Tumour group for ANZGOG and statistician on Outback, ECHO and Tips trials. She coordinates units in the Master of Biostatistics program of the Biostatistics Collaboration of Australia and the Master of Clinical Trials Research at the University of Sydney. She has had a number of consulting roles and currently provides advice and support to researchers at Kids Research in the Sydney Children’s Hospital Network. She is statistician on the Scientific Advisory Committee to the SCHN HREC and NSW Health Paediatric Early Phase Clinical Trials HREC.