Research Themes

Cardiovascular disease, Neonatology and indigenous health


BSc (Hons I), MSc

Adrienne Kirby

Senior Research Fellow

Adrienne Kirby is a senior biostatistician at the CTC. She is the study statistician for the LIPID study and its long-term follow-up, assessing the effect of pravastatin in patients with existing coronary heart disease and currently assessing the value of novel biomarkers in this population. She was also the statistician for the Aspire study looking at the effectiveness of aspirin in patients who had suffered an unprovoked DVT.

Adrienne is the study statistician for several studies in neonatology, specifically in babies born <30 weeks gestation (Boost (oxygen targeting in very premature infants), APTS (immediate v delayed cord milking), Torpido 30/60 (different respiratory care in the delivery room) and for the Espresso study to assess the effect of Esomeprazole in women at high risk of developing Pre-Eclampsia. She has collaborated with researchers from Menzies Research Institute in Darwin as a CI on several studies, including those for interventions in children with otitis media, rheumatic heart disease and hospitalisations for infants with respiratory infections. She coordinates the Masters of Clinical Trials (Research) program and teaches units within the program.


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