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Group |
Nature of group |
CTC activity |
Meta-analysis collaboration: international |
Collaborator |
Investigators of cholesterol treatment trials: Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States, Italy |
Coordination of meta-analyses in heart disease |
Collaborative group undertaking systematic reviews of trial evidence: international |
Editorial base |
Collaborative group undertaking systematic reviews of trial evidence: international |
Coordinating centre |
Cord Clamping and other Measures to Influence Placental Transfusion at Preterm Birth (CCPTP) |
Prospective meta-analysis collaboration: international |
Collaborator |
Early Prevention of Obesity in Children (EPOCH) collaboration |
Prospective meta-analysis collaboration: international |
Data coordination centre |
INSPIRE (International Trials of Aspirin to Prevent Recurrent Venous Thromboembolism) |
Meta-analysis: ASPIRE and WARFASA (Italy) |
Data coordination centre |
Meta-Analysis of Preterm Patients on Inhaled Nitric Oxide (MAPPiNO) |
Meta-analysis collaboration: international |
Data coordination centre |
Neonatal Oxygenation Prospective Meta- analysis (NeOProM) collaboration |
Prospective meta-analysis collaboration: international |
Coordinating centre |
Perinatal Antiplatelet Review of International Studies (PARIS) collaboration |
Meta-analysis collaboration: international |
Co-coordinating centre |
Meta-analysis collaboration: international |
Collaborator |
Prevention of Ventilator Induced Lung Injury collaborative study group (PreVILIG) |
Meta-analysis collaboration: international |
Data coordination centre |
Meta-analysis collaboration: international |
Member |